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Sunshine Industries provides people with disabilities the opportunity to work and live as independently as possible. Vocational training includes sheltered, transitional and community employment programs.
Individuals learn to live as independently as possible through the residential program. Sunshine Industries is committed to the policies that people with developmental disabilities will have equal access to all programs without regard to race, color, creed, sex, nationality or disability. Persons 18 years or older with developmental disabilities interested in receiving services can reply to Sunshine Industries.
As a method to provide productive vocational training opportunities, individuals with developmental disabilities learn job skills to create products and services for sale. Sunshine Industries offers a wide selection of business services and pens.
Sunshine Industries, Inc. was founded in 1969 as a 501(C)(3) nonprofit agency. Contributions to Sunshine Industries, Inc. are tax deductible. Sunshine Industries receives funding from the following sources:
Contract work performed by workers with developmental disabilities.
Contracts for services performed for the Oklahoma Department of Human Services.Fund-raising and donations.Income generated through training at Sunshine’s Thrift Store.